Thursday, April 4, 2013

No Crying Wolfe Please


It sounds so biblical. 
The kind of place where there would be a lot of smiting
of foes while seven eyed lambs having seven horns
warn of the impending Apocalypse.


I was so disappointed when I learned that the battle for what
eventually came to be known as Canada took place on

Sept. 13, 1759 in a field owned by a farmer named Abraham Martin. 

But I was so grateful someone long ago had the presence of
mind not to call it 'The Plains of Martin'.


The Seven year's War continued to rage in the New and Old Worlds
after the expulsion of the Acadians. 

The French decided that it was too dangerous to send more
troops to New France because getting them there meant crossing

the ocean and there was only one country that 'ruled the waves'
in those days and it wasn't France.

They decided to keep their army in Europe and fight like the dickens. 

They reasoned that when peace came they would trade some of

their newly conquered European possessions to get back what

they had lost in North America.

I'm sure that plan looked great on paper.

But in the end France had nothing to trade.

So when French General Montcalm died from wounds suffered
on the Plains of Abraham French hopes for an empire in North

America died with him.

The British General, Wolfe, died too, but that didn't matter, he,
(supposedly), died happy because the 4500 British regulars had

crushed the 4500 ill-trained French militia.

But then the Brits made a BIG mistake.

Figuring all of those Puritans and Pilgrims in the 13 colonies
would be happy to see the end of the French and their Papist

ways, they sent them the bill for the war.

But the 13 colonies weren't happy about this.

It was 1763 and they weren't happy at all.

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Doug Jamieson said...

Within a few years, Ben Franklin was trying hard, without much success, to get France to help out with the American Revolution.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Another great post about an important part of Canada's history. In Quebec, the teaching about this period is much different; it's certainly a lot more hostile. Having spent most of my life there, when you hear about this period, you'd think it happened a couple of years ago.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Neat Google view of the Plains of Abraham! When I was in Quebec about 35 years ago, I made a point of visiting the P of A to see the spot for myself.

momto8 said...

an interesting perspective from a different point of view! Makes me think about how much of history taught is tainted by the authors own beliefs!

Pandorah's Box said...

Oh dear. I fear what comes next!