Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wet Pussy Riot

Pornographic photography in 1910s
Pornographic photography in 1910s (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I happened to see a letter to face book posted on face book this week.

The accompanying photo was a scientific illustration of a vulva
with all of the working parts clearly labelled.

My students used to give a collective "YUCK" when we
discussed the same drawing in grade 6 Health class.

But don't feel bad if you have lady parts, on penis day the
reaction was exactly the same.

Anyway, my point is that scientific illustrations are not sexy
or pornographic.

They are, in fact, yucky.


The letter to face book was from the woman who had posted
the illustration on her wall.

Face book shut her site down within hours she said, although
the illustration was part of a series of discussions a group of

nursing moms were having.


FB said the drawing was pornographic.

The letter writer was outraged that she was shut down but
'Wet Pussies' wasn't.

"WTF?"  I thought.   

I quickly typed in 'Wet Pussies'..

There weren't any on display. 

Wet or dry.

But there were a lot of big boobs, tiny thongs and suggestive

Soft porn.

Face book has some 'splainin' to do.


Note:  I've added two blogs to my side bar.  Both Canadian.
Check out  Black River Blog and Black Ink Paperie.

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