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English: Minister Wynne at the Ontario Liberal AGM. Photo taken by myself. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Methodist Loyalists
which had absolute control of Upper
business, politics and religious affairs
for the
first half of the ninetieth century, has a female Premier.
Kathleen Wynne!
I don't
mean the first lesbian in Canada,
I mean the
first gay Premier.
Take that
you other provinces and territories!
We're not
the dour old curmudgeons you think we are!
Of course
she wasn't elected and she is a member of the
same party
that seems to be bringing Ontario to its knees,
but never
mind that.
We've got a
lesbian premier
and you
I'm so jealous, Ontario! Maybe I can get Alison Redford to switch teams?
Pretty big news to warrant the North End Journal publishing a Sunday edition, eh?
I think this is great. It's a proud day for Ontario.
Awesome! My mom's side of the family is very matriarchal and encompasses at least 7 lesbians and 2 gay men. So I grew up with strong women and although we have been lucky prejudice has not generally been our experience I know we have a lot of work to get done.
Are premiers directly elected? I know Canada's PM is elected much differently than how we vote for president here.
Well now...I moved here in 2009 and already my openminded personality is influencing Ontario and making it a better place....LOL... Just had to stick that in there, Francie! But yeah, we are proud here in Ontario! Indeed, we are!
Congratulations. I've never had a lesbian premier, so I'll just live vicariously through you ;-)
Good to know Martha's arrival from Quebec has turned the tide to a more open minded Ontario!! :) Quebec's Loss is definitely our gain!
Adam: Yes Premiers are elected. In this case the outgoing Premier resigned midterm and Ms Wynne won the leadership convention.
This is great news :) Baby steps but progress nonetheless. I look forward to the day when a politician's (or anyone else for that matter) sexual orientation isn't even a matter of interest.
the next mayor of our little town may be the first elected gay mayor...
Yay to lesbians in politics!! Maybe things will get better?
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