Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sins of the Father

Canada Day 2006 in Greenfield Park, Quebec, Canada
Canada Day 2006 in Greenfield Park, Quebec, Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Issues with Quebec have loomed large over my life.

I was a teen-ager during the FLQ crisis and terribly frightened
by the bombings, the murder of Pierre LaPorte, the kidnapping
of James Cross, the martial law and the knowledge that troops and tanks
were in Canadian cities.

I was just as frightened during the first Referendum when Quebecers
voted by a skinny margin to stay within Canada.

The second referendum made me angry and the endless insults and
rumblings of discontent since that time made me realize by 2012 that
I no longer cared.

I blogged about it.

I said it would be so easy in this wireless age to keep the rest of the country
together without Quebec.

And maybe it would be.

But I've changed.

In November I went to Ottawa with my brother to honour the memory of my
father and all veterans at the national Remembrance Day Ceremony.

While I was there I went through the Museum of Canadian History,
(aka Museum of Civilization).

I went in disillusioned and came out with the most astonishing understanding
of the struggles that went into building the country. 

I came out feeling, not so much that we owe the people from the past who
forged such a peaceful democratic nation - although that was a big part of it.

Of greater importance, I came out feeling that we owe

the people of the future.

As a result of my 'epiphany' I decided to blog about Canadian history.

To find out how it happened that we are where we are today,
with another separatist government in Quebec and too many
English-speaking Canadians fed up or not caring.

The great thing about blogs is that they are short and I must
say I am having a lot of fun with this project

although the underlying intent is serious.

But I think I've reached the first critical point in our story.

You and I know what is about to happen
but there is no way we can reach back in time and warn them
to be careful. 


To think about us.

New France is about to fall.

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Debra She Who Seeks said...

Prepare the Plains of Abraham! Its big moment is at hand!

Fundy Blue said...

How well I remember the FLQ Crisis and the declaration of Martial Law ~ in Canada! I do not want this incredible country to fragment! Thanks for what you are doing, Francie!

Doug Jamieson said...

I can certainly relate to your changes of heart about keeping Quebec in Canada. Quebecers are like that difficult cousin who, at the end of the day, is still family.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I agree with Doug, it is difficult to lose 'family'. Even the ones you have to keep yourself from punching because they are always creating trouble.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Oh, we all know what's coming up... Can't wait to hear more, Francie!

Introverted Art said...

wow Francie... I did not know about that at all!!!!!! I can't imagine going through that :(

Pandorah's Box said...

I don't want them to separate. I just want us all to be happy and accepting of each other!