Sunday, August 31, 2014

Usurp the King!

Labour Day Parade in my working class hometown 

At first it seemed like divine justice.

An American corporation is moving its headquarters to Canada to escape paying high taxes at home.

I mean how many times have American parent companies shut our plants first in hard times?

But to tell you the truth the more I think about it the more the whole thing gives me a sick feeling.

This company is likely run by guys who earn more money in a day than their minimum wage employees earn in a month.

But they are deserting their homeland and refusing to carry their share of their country's tax burden.


Do we want scuzzy corporations like this in Canada?

Take a stand on Labour Day, spread the word -

Boycott Burger King.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm a Little Teapot

Last year I read a book about the history of tea.

I was totally surprised at the thievery, trickery
and bloodshed it took to get the stuff on 19th 
century grocery shelves.  

Which is a fact you may or may not find mildly 
interesting but which has nothing to do with why
I made this picture. 

I am practising shading using oil pastels.

You might see any number of teapots in
the near future because heaven knows seeing 
one teapot is never enough, is it?

And I need the practice.  :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

For Those Who Fall Overboard at Mid-Life

That's you in the ship.

The first ship.  

Poor sap.  

You've been sailing along the surface of life
for decades

not knowing what is churning below the waterline.

What needs your attention.
What needs to be fed.
What needs to be healed.

You're going down my friend.

The old you is going to die.

Not everyone seems to have a mid-life crisis 
but I certainly did.  I felt as if I was shattering
into large chunks. And to my embarrassment 
dropping them everywhere I went.
Like Humpty Dumpty I couldn't put myself
together again.

Eventually the chaos did clear somewhat 
and I've found the second half of life to be 
fertile, creative and spiritual country full 
of endless possibilities. 

And wrinkles.  :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Crown of Cerridwyn

Hoinouring Cerridwyn, the Goddess of Inspiration today.

Thanks to Debra She who Seeks, (link), I know that the word 'inspiration' means 'breath of the Divine'.

And that's what I was missing in the last two weeks.

I wasn't leaving any room for inspiration I was all 'plan, plan, plan'.  As if I was in charge.

No plan to this picture.  I started with one line and went with what it suggested.  I let the picture grow the way it wanted to grow.


Interesting to see how the Goddess was hidden 

in the guise of the Virgin Mary for thousands of years.  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

It Isn't Me

I spent yesterday destroying every bit of work that I have 
done in the last 2 weeks.

It was all such a pile of shit.  

There's no art work in progress pinned up to think about.

My pastels don't look alive.

They look weary and tired.

I made light of the Gods and forgot it isn't me 
- it is what they give me.

Going to the gym.