While everyone is watching the not-a-hockey game today, I think I'll sneak in another blog about the DSBN Academy.
When I posted 'Hungry for an Education' on January 27th I didn't know how anyone else felt about the fact that the District School Board of Niagara announced, out of the blue, that this September they will be opening a school for 'impoverished', (the Board's word), high school students.
Well, let me clarify. The new school is for some impoverished students.
Which ones?
The smart ones.
Oops, I have to factor that down farther, don't I?
Smart and lucky impoverished children.
They will need to win a lottery to gain admittance.
The idea depressed me.
I suspected that I was just another left wing baby boomer whose time to change the world had passed.
I was just about to climb onto my ice floe when I noticed that the Region of Niagara is reeling.
The DSBN Academy is not sitting well with quite a few people.
Consequently, I read Kalvin Reid's editorial "It's Time For a Popular Uprising", St. Catharines Standard, 2011/02/05 with great interest.
After his interview with former trustee, Larry Lemelin, Mr. Reid said "... taxpayers have to harness what they are feeling ... to take back the school board."
If the people are to take back the Board of Education, the people need to be told how to do it.
How can working people with families get out into the community and into the schools?
Telling them to get off the couch, Mr. Lemelin, is insulting.
Journalists have done their part. They've led us to the water.
Now we need a leader with sensitivity and courage to show us how to drink.
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