"God never changes. Sorry"
That was the last part of a knuckle rapping I took on face book a week or so ago from a woman I didn't know. She had read comment I made to a mutual friend in which I referred to God as 'She'.
The woman meant, kindly I think, to let me know that God is male.
But archaeological evidence has shown that from 25,000 B.C. to the appearance of Abraham in about 1800 B.C. people living in the Near and Middle East prayed to a Supreme female God.
A Goddess of many names, Astarte, Isis, Ashtoreth, etc. who was wise, valiant, powerful and just.
If you read the Old Testament you'll know that eventually the followers of the warlike Yahweh were able to destroy Her temples and either kill or convert Her followers.
But now, a mere 4,000 years later, She's back.
She was called upon last week, under the Mayan name of Ixchel, (the goddess of the moon, reason, creativity and weaving) to guide the delegates who were at the U.N.s Convention on Climate Change.
"May She inspire you -- because today, you are gathered in Cancun to weave together the elements of a solid response to climate change, using both reason and creativity as your tools."
- a prayer by Christiana Figueres,
executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change
Of course I don't really think that God the Mother ever really went away.
I think that people are starting to rediscover and honour the female side of God as well as the male.
I also don't think it will be easy, judging by the backlash from one hopeful prayer in Mexico.
~ my question is why do we have to think of god as either male or female ... i believe that god is neither ... god should be just god ... if god was one or the other there would be a bias ...
~ now mother nature, SHE is a force to be reckoned (climate) ... you don't want HER angry .... things will happen that we will not like!!
Thanks for your comment, Barb. I'm guessing there must be a culture out there that thinks of God as gender neutral. I agree it would certainly result in less 'bias'.
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