Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pontificating on The Hunger Games Movie

Years ago, for some reason, I decided to show the Christmas section of Franco Zeffirelli's movie "Jesus of Nazareth" to my grade six class.  

Most of them didn't get it.

Zeffirelli didn't show the Angel Gabriel giving Mary the news that she was pregnant, he just showed Mary having a one sided conversation at an open window.

"Who's she talking to?" my students asked in bewilderment.

I hadn't realized that you had to have read the book to 'get' the movie.
And that was my initial reaction to the movie version of "The Hunger Games", so this is a warning - if you haven't read the book, this blog won't mean much.

Cover of "The Hunger Games"
Cover of The Hunger Games

My rather pompous review of The Hunger Games movie

I thought the male/female roles were enhanced and 'fleshed' out in the movie. 

For example, we clearly see that Petah is a physically strong young man.

That is important. 

So important that Catniss herself points it out when she tells him to show the judges how far he can throw a heavy weight.

But Petah, like many men, has been wounded, first by his family and society and later in the arena.

 Even his name seems to have been castrated. 

The soft 'ah' ending rather than the hard 'er' sound in Peter.

Earlier in her life, Catniss had been saved by Petah.

When she was dying of starvation he had tossed her a loaf of bread.

Not only did she live, she went on to learn many life skills, skills that Petah did not learn, tied as he was to the rules of the oppressed society within which they lived. 

But Petah had one thing going for him, other than the physical strength that he did not recognize as a gift. 

He was not afraid to let Catniss save them. 

She didn't have his physical strength but she was a skilled archer. 

Skills honed from years of illegal hunting to keep herself and her family alive.

I think the message here is important and the wonderful thing is that it seems to be resonating.

Young men should be rightfully proud of their physical size and strength, it's a good thing to be a hero.

But they need to see that women have different skills that must also be utilized and honoured if we are to to survive these troubled times.

 Young women need to acknowledge that too.
In other words, girls, don't make men carry the complete load anymore,

It's time to pick up that bow and arrow.

(Oh yeah, I liked the movie.)

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I was actually lent a copy of the Hunger Games over the weekend and started reading it in the car on the way home (I wasn't driving, lol!) - I had to stop myself after about half a dozen pages because I could tell it was that good and I have three other books already in line. (Jonathan Strange is 3/5's done - love it.)

    I'm not going to see the movie until I've read the book - so you're right - this doesn't mean much to me, but it does serve to further whet my appetite :)

  2. I remember reading The Thorn Birds (3 or 4 times)... absolutely loved the Book and it's characters , but really disliked the TV series. On the other hand I loved the movie versions of Roots and The Color Purple (also read the books before the movies came out)
    I think we all have picture in our mind and an expectations how things should look and play out...not an easy feat for a movie producer. I might have a crack at The Hunger Games (the Books). Right now i'm obsessed with Game of Thrones. Read all the Books and want to reread them and now the TV series.

  3. I read all three books in this series, and the first one was my favourite. I haven't seen the movie, yet. Both my daughters saw it and loved it. I'm not sure when I'll get to the film, but plan to eventually.

  4. Fabulous post...you are such a wonderful writer! I haven't seen the movie or read it..but it is very popular with my neice and nephews..
    Wishing you a beautiful wkd!
    And thankyou for your thoughtful visit!

  5. what an interesting perspective! i have the book in my kitchen..just can't get motivated to read it...although every kid in my house read it. I am too old fashioned i guess..I like my husband being stronger than me!
