Tuesday, August 17, 2010

An Apology From (fairly close to) The Heart

On my sixtieth birthday, my friend, (who is six weeks younger than I am), said


I denied being in any such place but she kindly pointed out that:

from 0 to 9 years we are in our 1st decade

from 10 to 19 years we are in our 2nd decade

from 20 to 29 years we are in our 3rd decade

from 30 to 39 years we are in our 4th decade

from 40 to 49 years we are in our 5th decade

from 50 to 59 years we are in our 6th decade


from 60 to 69 years ... jeesh!

I took it well though.

As a 7th decade girl I began to blog.

Yesterday my friend, (who is still six weeks younger than I am and apparently way better in math), sent me an e-mail with a rather sarcastic comment.

I guess I have been taking a few people into the 7th decade before their time.

For some reason I had it in my mind that because a 59 year old person is in his or her sixtieth year, he/she is in the 7th decade.

Not true!

A 59 year old is still a 6th decade person.

An older 6th decade person.

Actually the oldest 6th decade person possible.

But never mind. I apologize to all 59 year old persons.  And I will change the definition of a 7th decade girl on my next post.

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